Conversion of Ambulance Starter Set
- High Quality Material and equipment
- Complete Starter Package Ambulance Equipment
Dimension: 1m x 1m x 1m
262,080.00 /unit
Stocks Available
Scope of work and Material of Description
- Dismount all van rear passenger seat assembly and re-install one orginal seat with backseat at right side body to serve as doctor, nurse and aide seat.
- Install 1/2 thick plywood and cover floor with rubber vinyl matting.
- Ambulance stretcher, fully collapsible (Imported) 4 wheels w/ foam & safety belt
- Install Ambulance stretcher assembly, Oxygen tank holder stainless steel locally assembled.
- BEACON type warning light, Red/Blue lens combination, strobe type with holder bracket.(option to all red/all green)
- Siren and Speaker with public address (PA) system including handheld microphone.
- Fire Extinguisher, protable 5 lbs. Capacity with holder, wall mounted.
- Portable Flashlight, 2 battery, Dry cell size D.
- One portable medical oxygen tank with content and holder 20 lbs. Capacity.
- Window curtain local made , cotton fabric, LH/RH side and rear medical green color and TINT rear winshield and side windows door side of van – One way green scratch proof & non-fading
- Fabricated steel medicine cabinet, with front cover (flexi glass)
- Oxygen tank gauge regulator and de-humidifier, with nasal cannula.
- Minor first aid kit including bag or box, local
- BP Apparatus, aneroid type, with standard stethoscope.
- Blood pressure Gauge, wallmounted.
- Ambubag with resucitator, Adult and Pedia combination. (Imported)
- Minor Surgical kit, with bag (imported)
- IV bottle holder, ceiling mounted. Stainless steel shafting.Lettering of word “AMBULANCE”, front and rear portion of van.
- Lettering of word “AMBULANCE”, front and rear portion of van.
- Stickers includes company logo as specified by the client (maximum of 2 sets logo)
- Flourescent light
- Return all excess items, like passenger seats and floor carpet back to customer.