Conversion of Ambulance Premium Set
- High Quality Ambulance Materials and Equipment
- Complete Premuim Package Ambulance Equipment
Dimension: 1m x 1m x 1m
698,880.00 /unit
Stocks Available
Scope of Work and Materials Description
- Dismount all van rear passenger seat assembly and re-install one collapsible original (jump seat) at the rear portion of the driver and passenger side to serve as a doctors seat.
- Fabricated nurse and aide seat at the right side of the van (made of plywood with carpet,with cushion and leatherrette seats)
- Install 1/2 thick plywood and cover floor with rubber vinyl matting.
- Attached windbreaker front and rear portion of the roof.
- Beacon lights, multi-flashing, white, red and blue; mounted on the front portion attached to the wind breakers. Beacon lights, multi-flashing, white, red and blue; mounted on the rear portion attached to the wind breakers.
- Additional light (white) accessories on the front and back windbreakers. 8 pcs LED lights.
- Superior quality-sounding siren/wailer with speaker, built-in in the beacon lights.
- “Ambulance” marking (rear and 2 sides) front markings (at the hood) should be mirror image.
- Stickers, including the company logo as specified by the client. Up to 6 sets
- Interior Equipment for the Cabin, Public Address System.
- TINT all sides and rear portion of the van – One way green scratch proof & non-fading
- UFH/VHF Mobile base with 2 pcs radio receivers NTC permit and frequency c/o customer. Base Antenna with whip
- Install Collapsible (height-adjustable) strecher, with retractable wheel assembly with brakes (with side rails IV stand) in accordance with trend design 8 wheels
- Oxygen tank gauge regulator and de-humidifier, with nasal cannul. Oxygen tank 20 lbs.
- Flashlight (2), with four (4) size D batteries.
- Passenger seat, bench type, with foam, leatherette cover seat at the rear potion of the driver and passenger seats.
- Medicine cabinet, made of steel with flexy glass cover.
- Minor first aid kit including bag or box, local
- BP Apparatus, aneroid type, with standard stethoscope.
- Blood pressure Gauge, wallmounted.
- Ambubag with resucitator, Adult and Pedia combination. (Imported)
- Minor Surgical kit, with bag (imported)
- IV bottle holder, ceiling mounted. Stainless steel shafting.
- Two (2) ceiling lamp, electronic, 10 watts, rectangular.
- Intravenous fluid hook/holder
- Fire extinguisher, 1 Kg. capacity.
- Inverter, DC-AC, 1,500 watts capacity
- Circuit breaker 20 amperes
- Built-in extentention cord # (royal cord) with duplex type convenience
- outlet(C.O) weather proof,10 meters long.
- Grounding System
- One (1) emergency lamp, handheld, 12 volts DC
- Flourescent light
- Return all excess items, like passenger seats and floor carpet back to customer.