MC-AA222 is the perfect combination of audiometry
and tympanometry in one powerful device.
MC-AA222 offers all the diagnostic middle ear
analyzer and audiometry tests needed in the clinic.
This makes the MC-AA222 the obvious choice for the new clinic,
the clinic with limited desk space, and for the mobile clinic.
Dimension: 15in x 13in x 7in
Comprehensive test battery
– 226 Hz tympanometry
– 1psi and contralateral acousticreflex
– Reflex decay
– Eustachian tube function tests(non-perforated & perforatedtympanic membrane)
– Rir & bone conduction
– speech (with either external input,wave or live voice)
– stenger (used when a patient issuspected malingering a hearing loss),
– RBLB (used to detect perceivedloudness difterence between the earsfor people with unilateral hearing loss)
– SISl (used to differentiate betweencochlear and retro cochlear disorder)
– Modified Hughson-Westlake(automatic pure tone test procedure)
– Weber (to distinquish betweenconductive and sensor neural hearingloss).